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Interpersonal Communication Skills for Humanitarian Managers








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SKU: 6976 Categories: , , Tag:


This course is an introduction to effective communication used for strategic decision making in humanitarian contexts and settings. The course is structured in two parts. The first focuses on interpersonal communication skills (dyadic) needed to communicate effectively with colleagues, staff, and potential partners and funders, and will include some elements of conflict resolution and persuasion. The second part focuses on interpersonal communication in small groups, including reflections on group development, leadership and other roles in groups, and the interplay between task and social dimensions. Through reflective exercises, skill builders and multiple-choice evaluations, the course attempts to link the concepts of effective communication to the situations that humanitarian managers and officers encounter in their daily work.

The goal of this course is to improve participants’ interpersonal communication skills (problem solving, listening, conflict resolution and group effectiveness) in conflict sensitive humanitarian contexts. This goal is achieved through the following competencies and learning objectives.

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate effective dyadic interpersonal communication to achieve relational and pragmatic goals. Listening, empathy, receiving and sharing constructive criticism and assertiveness skills
  • Apply effective communication skills in small group interactions

Target Audience

Managers, and officers working in the humanitarian sector as well as those considering a career change

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