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Certificate in Conflict Medicine

Specialty in War Wounds
SKU: 6493-2-1 Categories: , Tag:


Certificate Description

The certificate aims to empower healthcare practitioners by advancing their skills in conducting research and delivering medical care that is contextualized to the settings of conflict and fragility. This certificate comprises four online asynchronous courses including three core courses (Introduction to Conflict Medicine, Medical Care and Knowledge in Conflict, Health Research Methods in Conflict) and one specialty course (War Wound). It is delivered through GHI’s online learning platform GHLAD.


Core Courses

The certificate core courses touch on the basic concepts in conflict medicine as well as the landscape, needs, and challenges around providing medical care at times of conflict. The core courses also highlight the contextualized challenges and approaches around conducting health research within the ecology of war in terms of organization, access, data collection and ethics.


Specialty Course

The war wounds specialty course provides an in-depth description of the clinical manifestations, complications, and management strategies of war

Courses Included

This certificate comprises four courses including three core courses:

  • Introduction to Conflict Medicine
  • Medical Care and Knowledge in Conflict
  • Health Research Methods in Conflict
  • One specialty course (War Wounds)

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the certificate, learners should be able to:

  • Demonstrate the ability to identify key theories and concepts related to conflict and forced migration
  • Identify the major actors, their roles, and their interconnectedness in settings of conflict and fragility
  • Recognize the impact of conflict on health from a systems and community perspective
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how to address physical psychological trauma, social wounds, acute and emergency care, and major diseases in times of conflict
  • Exhibit a conceptual understanding of conducting qualitative and quantitative health research in conflict settings
  • Demonstrate a conceptual understanding around war wounds classification and surgical management, neglected or mismanaged wounds, delayed primary closure, skin graft and flap, and burn injuries (specialty course)
  • Determine the major clinical infections in war wounds and the need for early/late removal of retained bullets and fragments (specialty course)

Target Audience

Healthcare practitioners, including medical students, nursing students, pharmacy students, allied health professionals, among others.

Courses included in the Certificate in Conflict Medicine

Related Courses

* The additional specialty courses you enroll in will appear on your certificate

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