Call For Proposals


The Global Health and Artificial Intelligence Network in the Middle East and North Africa region (GHAIN MENA) is a 3-year project led by the E-Sahha Program at the Global Health Institute. Supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), GHAIN MENA aims to empower researchers from different institutions of the MENA region to design and implement responsible AI-based digital health interventions through partnerships and tailored capacity building.


Submitted proposals should focus on responsible AI-based digital interventions that support at least one of the following priority areas:

Improving Sexual, Reproductive, and Maternal Health (SRMH) outcomes
Promoting adolescent sexual and reproductive health
Enhancing access to and quality of Sexual, Reproductive, and Maternal Health (SRMH) services in primary healthcare settings
Addressing gender-based violence
Advocating for and supporting family planning
Fostering partner involvement
Enhancing the professional development and building the capacity of healthcare providers (HCPs) in areas related to Sexual, Reproductive, and Maternal Health (SRMH)


Proposals should fall under one of these tracks:

Research Track

This track supports exploratory research studies that aim to generate evidence on the effectiveness of proposed responsible AI-based digital health interventions targeting at least one of the priority areas stated above.

Innovation Track

This track supports the development, testing, and scaling of innovative AI-based solutions that have the potential for long-term impact on at least one of the priority areas stated above. It also entails the use of applied research where a prototype/application/concept already exists and requires advancement. This track may, among many other possibilities, produce a system as an output.


To be eligible to apply to the GHAIN MENA grant, the primary applicant must:

Be based in the MENA region or affiliated with an organization based in the MENA region with official legal registration
Have a track record of conducting research related to sexual, reproductive, and maternal health and/or artificial intelligence/digital health and/or health systems strengthening
Be affiliated with an academic institution, university, ministry of health, research-oriented think-tank, non-governmental organization (NGO) or any other for profit or not for profit organization with a track record in SRMH or development of AI solutions
Be submitting on behalf of a team of co-investigators whose expertise cover both health systems strengthening or SMRH and digital health with a focus on AI


A total of $300,000 is allocated for the GHAIN MENA sub-grants, which will be awarded to six (6) selected projects, with a maximum of $50,000 per project.


To apply to the GHAIN MENA call for proposals, please fill in the application form below. For more details, please download our Call for Proposals .

Selected grantees will be contacted via email by the GHAIN MENA team to initiate the sub-granting process in September 2023.

Deadline to Apply: July 31, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. (Beirut time; GMT+3:00).


For inquiries, please contact

  • MAY 2023

  • JULY 2023

  • SEPTEMBER 2023

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Application Form is closed

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This project is part of a global IDRC-funded initiative on AI for Global Health
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