Palestine Stakeholder Mapdeeb al turk2024-07-02T13:31:24+00:00 EPAPP STAKEHOLDER MAP Palestine Stakeholder Map MAP VIEW TABLE VIEW SUGGEST MODIFICATIONS Close menu MAP VIEW TABLE VIEW SUGGEST MODIFICATIONS < BACK TO MAP  MAP VIEW   TABLE VIEW YOU CAN FILTER THE TABLE VIEW AND DOWNLOAD THE FULL TABLE BY CLICKING ON THE THREE DOTS ON THE SIDE. FEEDBACKOrganizationIndividualOrganization EPPaP Stakeholder - OrganizationΔStatus New Entry ModificationOrganization NameOrganization PhoneORGANIZATION EMAILCountryOrganization WebsiteRELEVANT DEPARTMENT(S)Submit Individual EPPaP Stakeholder - IndividualΔStatus New Entry ModificationFull NameOrganization NameCurrent PositionCountry of ResidenceGender Male FemaleSelect the workforce category that best describes your field of work Policymaker Emergency Manager Public Health Communicator Civil Society Leader Clinician Public Health Professional OtherOther WorkforceSelect one (or more) category that best describes your expertise Detection and Assessment: Incident recognition, risk characterization, epidemiological investigation, surveillance and epidemiological monitoring, laboratory analysis, environmental monitoring. Policy Development, Adaptation, and Implementation: Infection control and treatment guidance, population-based disease control, communicating between national and subnational authorities and enforcing laws and regulations. Health Services: Preventive services, medical surge, management of medical countermeasures, supplies and equipment, medical services for healthcare workers and emergency responders. Coordination and communication (within the public health emergency preparedness system): Crisis management, communication with healthcare providers, communication with emergency management, public safety, and other sectors, communication with other public health agencies at the global, national, and subnational levels. Emergency risk communication (with the public): Address communication inequalities, use dynamic listening and manage rumors, communicate risk in an accurate, transparent and timely manner, foster and maintain trust. OtherOther Category I consent to have GHI store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquirySubmit