As part of its #2yearsin2weeks campaign to celebrate its 2-year anniversary, NGOi is issuing an open Call for Blog Posts on ‘The Role of Civil Society in Responding to Crises in Lebanon: Sharing Stories from the Field’.

NGOi will be accepting blog contributions from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) that operate in Lebanon and that would like to share their lessons learnt and success stories, by reflecting on their work in response to: the COVID-19 pandemic, the Beirut blast, the economic crises, others.

  • Content : Submitted contributions should highlight the following: lessons learnt and success stories, key success factors, challenges and ways to overcoming it.
  • Language : English or Arabic
  • Title and Author : Please include a clear title for your contribution, as well as the author’s name (NGO or individual), and email address.
  • Length : Submitted contributions should be no longer than 500 words.
  • Eligibility : Only submissions by NGOs or staff members of NGOs will be considered for publication on the Blog.
  • Deadline : Deadline to submit contributions: April 18, 2021.
  • Email : Please submit your contributions as a word document by email to  AND
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