Regional Consultation on Humanitarian Learning

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  3. Regional Consultation on Humanitarian Learning


The aim of the consultation meeting is to strengthen the regional humanitarian learning efforts and identify the learning needs of humanitarian practitioners. The consultation will host a mosaic of humanitarian practitioners from different countries in the MENA region including Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, Yemen and Libya, and from different humanitarian sectors. The meeting will comprise a series of working groups and discussions to discuss the learning personas of humanitarian practitioners in the region, the learning needs of humanitarian managers, and the contextualization of humanitarian knowledge.

  • Event Details

  • category

  • Start Date
    May 8, 2017
  • End Date
    May 9, 2017
  • organiser
    Humanitrain Learning Team
  • phone
  • email
  • location
    Issam Fares Institute (IFI), American University of Beirut
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